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All CollectionsYour Integrations Storefront integrations
How can I integrate my storefronts with Juni?
How can I integrate my storefronts with Juni?

Track gross and net sales, store costs and more

Written by Arno Van de Weyer
Updated over 9 months ago

Juni currently supports the following advertising networks via integration:

  • Shopify

  • Amazon

You can integrate multiple Shopify and Amazon storefronts and track analytics into each store's performance (gross vs net sales, store costs, AOV, number of orders and more).

  1. Log in to Juni and click Integrations on the left hand side bar

  2. On the Integrations page, click Discover & Connect

  3. Under Categories, select Storefronts. Select the storefront you would like to integrate and click Continue

  4. You'll be directed to the website of the storefront you would like to integrate to complete the integration. Enter your login details and follow the on-screen instructions.

Now, you should see your storefront integration on the Integrations dashboard.

Having issues with your integration? Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Integrations

  2. Click on Manage

  3. Select the integration you are having issues with

  4. Click on Renew

If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact our Customer Service team via our Webchat service, accessible directly from the Juni platform.

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