Juni offers ASCII-Weiterverarbeitungsdatei CSV export for DATEV to get all of your transactions accounted for.
For each transaction, the CSV export contains:
Bank Sort code (BLZ) and account number
To be compatible with DATEV, we're converting Juni’s international bank accounts to German accounts. This step is necessary as you can only import German accounts into DATEV (See below)
Transaction date
Settlement date
Currency code
If available: counterparty name, counterparty account number / IBAN and counterparty bank sort code / BIC
Reference lines
If necessary: Original amount and currency code
Setting up the CSV export in Juni
1. Go to the "Transactions" page on the left-hand side menu
2. Select the accounts and date range you wish to export by clicking “Add Filters.”
3. Click on "Export" at the top
4. Choose "Ready Templates."
5. Choose "DATEV Transactions CSV (ASCII-Weiterverarbeitungsdatei)"
6. Click "Export."
Setting up the CSV import in DATEV Kanzlei Rechnungswesen
Before you can import data into DATEV, you need to create the bank details we export in the “Stammdaten” section of Kanzlei Rechnungswesen.
For details on importing transaction CSVs as “ASCII Weiterverarbeitungsdatei” in Kanzlei Rechnungswesen or other DATEV applications, please consult the DATEV help pages on:
https://apps.datev.de/help-center/documents/1036444 (section 2.3 and following)
Converting International IBANs to German bank accounts
As DATEV doesn't allow imports for accounts outside of Germany, we convert the BIC to a fictional 8 digit German BLZ:
Juni BIC
Exported German BLZ
Please note that Juni is not related to these bank sort codes. They're entirely fictional and used only for technical DATEV compatibility.
Account numbers are converted to German 10-digit account numbers.
If you're unsure about the sort code or account number used for your Juni account, you can also open the exported file in any text editor.
The first two columns show the German bank sort code and account number.