You can bring invoices on Juni in multiple ways. Find out more here. Once your invoice is on Juni, you can execute the payment with your funds or with Juni Capital for invoices.
Log in to your Juni account
Go to Money > Payments from the menu on the left
This is going to be your Invoices inbox
To pay an invoice:
Select an invoice and click on Pay invoice
Review the invoice and click Next
Juni automatically fills fields like invoice amount, due date, country of recipient and account details like IBAN and Bankgiro number β you can edit these by clicking on Edit
Choose the account you want to pay the invoice from selecting an account
You can pay with your funds or with Juni Capital
Click on Split payment to pay part of the invoice with another account
Choose a Payment date if you want to schedule the payment to a later date and click Next
If you choose to pay with Juni Capital, select when you'd like to repay the invoice based on your terms
To execute the payment, click on Confirm payment
That's it. All paid invoices can be found under the "Paid" tab including the ones marked as paid. Paid invoices will be attached to the correct transactions
Pay invoices in bulk
You can pay invoices in bulk and trigger the payment of multiple invoices at once. To pay invoices in bulk: