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Spend Management
From card transactions to invoice payments
How do I automatically forward emails to Juni?Bring receipts and invoices to Juni with auto-forwarding from Gmail
How do I send missing receipt reminders for timely upload of receipts?Missing receipt reminders explained
Learn more about Juni Cards
Everything you need to know about Juni Mastercard Corporate Cards
What kind of card is the Juni card?Juni Card explained
How to create Juni cardsLearn more about creating new Juni cards for your team
How to freeze and block a Juni cardFreeze or block your Juni card in a few clicks for easy controls
What are the card limits on my cards?Learn about the default limits on your Juni Cards
How to change Juni cards' phone number, ZIP code and addressChanging the details of your Juni cards
How do I assign card owners?Assign or update card owners of your Juni cards
How do I upload a receipt to a transaction on Juni?Use Juni Match to bring receipts into Juni automatically
Juni cards update on February 28, 2025New Juni Mastercard card updates
Learn more about Invoice management with Juni
Pay and upload invoices with Juni
How do I upload an invoice to the Juni platform?Integrations, email forwarding and manual upload
How do I pay an invoice in Juni?Learn how to make invoice payments on Juni
How to delete or mark an invoice as paid on JuniLearn how to mark an invoice as paid, or delete it
How to use multi-layered approval policies?Set multi-layered approval flows easily to control spend