How to integrate with Fortnox?
Note: You can connect the same Fortnox account to multiple Juni accounts instances depending on your set-up.
Follow the below process for each.
Login to your Juni account
Go to Integrations page > Discover & Connect
Search for Fortnox and follow the instructions to setup your integration
Once integration is complete, your dimensions will be pulled from the accounting tool to Juni Bookkeeping section.
Please note that all your old dimensions will be replaced by your Fortnox dimensions and you will no longer be able to use SIE manual format. However, once you remove the integration we will bring back your non-fortnox dimensions.
How to prepare and export transactions to Fortnox?
Go to Bookkeeping > Prep & Export
Open a transaction
Populate Account Code, Tax and other dimension values
Click on Mark ready to export
Go to Ready to export
Select transactions
Click on Export to Fortnox
If export fails, go to Export Queue to check the error and take necessary actions
If export is successful, go to Export History
How to prepare and export in bulk?
To export multiple transactions, you can:
Go to Bookkeeping > Prep & Export
Select multiple transactions
Click on Bulk Action > Assign pre-accounting values > Assign
Click on Mark ready to export
Go to Ready to export
Select transactions
Click on Export to Fortnox
How to set up account codes on Fortnox?
When you set up your Fortnox integration, you will need to add Account codes linked to your Juni accounts.
To find your Account codes in Fortnox:
Log into your Fortnox account
Select Register in the top-right corner
Click on Account plan
Search for the Account code that you want to link with Juni in the set up
Copy-paste the Account code in Juni
Do you support Fortnox Project and cost centre as well?
Yes, if you are using these dimensions in Fortnox, we will pull them to Juni for you.
How do you populate VAT dimensions in Juni?
VAT is auto populated by Juni for you because it does not exist as a dimension in Fortnox. You can choose to edit or add more VAT dimensions directly in Juni. We currently support 3 categories of VAT: Regular (3 line journal entry), Exempt (2 line journal entry) and Reverse (4 line journal entry).
Can I edit locked dimension in Juni?
No, you can't. Post integration, Fortnox is the single source of truth for dimensions pulled via integration (does not apply to VAT). Juni will display dimensions as they are in Fortnox. To make any changes to these pulled dimensions, please head to you Fortnox account. Once you have made the changes in Fortnox, they will automatically reflect in Juni.
What can I do post integration?
You can use all existing bookkeeping features and once transactions are moved to “Ready to export” we will push them to Fortnox via the integration.
Will the integration also push receipts to accounting tool?
Yes, once integrated, receipts will be pushed to Fortnox and matched to the right transactions.
What data will be pushed to accounting tool via integration?
You will be able to push bank feed, pre-accounting data and receipts to Fortnox via our integration. For this, all non SEK transactions will be converted to SEK by Juni.
Where will I see transactions that could not be pushed to Fortnox?
Incase of any errors, you will see the transactions in “export queue” along with the reasons behind failures, if any.
How do I manage or modify my Fortnox settings?
You can check the status of integration, renew it or disconnect the integration
Going to Integrations > Manage and selecting the Fortnox integration
Settings like voucher series and account codes for Juni accounts, can also be updated from this same location.
How many accounts can I integrate?
You can only integrate one Fortnox account at a time. The account that you want to integrate with Juni will need to have Fortnox integration license.
In which countries is the integration available?
Fortnox integration will be available to all Swedish customers. If you are based outside of Sweden, please reach out to your Juni customer service representative for access to integration.
Where can I see the transactions within Fortnox?
Go to Menu > Accounting > Vouchers
Which type of Fortnox account can use for integration?
You will need a Fortnox account with Bookkeeping License and Integration license. Please head to Supplement Order to check your plan type. When you open a voucher you can find the Juni transaction Id under “Description”.
Which integration license do I need to be able to integrate?
This is the license required: