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How to set up and use the integration with Exact Online

Integrate with Exact Online for faster bookkeeping

Giuseppe Leoni avatar
Written by Giuseppe Leoni
Updated over a week ago

How to integrate with Exact Online?

  • Login to your Juni account

  • Go to Integrations page > Discover & Connect

  • Search for Exact Online and follow the instructions to setup your integration.

Once integration is complete, your dimensions will be pulled from Exact Online to Juni Bookkeeping section. Please note that all your old dimensions (if any) will be replaced by your Exact online dimensions..

How to prepare and export transactions to Exact Online?

  1. Go to Bookkeeping > Prep & Export

  2. Open a transaction

  3. Populate Account Code, Tax and other dimension values

  4. Click on Mark ready to export

  5. Go to Ready to export

  6. Select transactions

  7. Click on Export to Exact Online

  8. If export fails, go to Export Queue to check the error and take necessary actions

  9. If export is successful, go to Export History

How to prepare and export in bulk?

To export multiple transactions, you can:

  1. Go to Bookkeeping > Prep & Export

  2. Select multiple transactions

  3. Click on Bulk Action > Assign pre-accounting values > Assign

  4. Click on Mark ready to export

  5. Go to Ready to export

  6. Select transactions

  7. Click on Export to Exact Online

Do you support dimensions like project and cost centre as well?

We pull dimensions like account code, GL account code, Tax etc. If you are using additional dimensions in Exact online, we will pull them as well. Post integration, Exact Online is your source of truth for accounting dimensions.

Can I edit locked dimension in Juni?

No, post integration, Exact Online is the single source of truth for dimensions pulled via integration. We will display dimensions as they are in Exact Online. To make any changes to these pulled dimensions, please head to your Exact Online account. Once you have made the changes there, dimensions will be updated in Juni.

Will the integration also push receipts to accounting tool?

Yes, once integrated, receipts will be pushed to Exact online and matched to the right transactions.

Where will I see data that could not be pushed to Exact Online?

Incase of any errors, you will see the transactions in “export queue” along with the reasons behind failures, if any.

How do I manage or modify my Exact Online settings?

You can check the status of integration, renew it or disconnect the integration by going to Integrations>Manage and selecting the Exact Online integration.

How many accounts can I integrate?

You can only integrate one Exact Online account at a time.

Do you create purchase entries and then match them to bank entries?

Yes, that is the process we follow. We create purchase entries and match them to bank entry. This happens instantly.

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